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Ms. Majmudar has 30 years of experience in structural design, analysis and project management of buildings, bridges, industrial and environmental structures, building envelope/façade engineering, and specialty glass structures. Her widespread involvement in creative, and often “first of its kind” structures, enabled architects to realize a vision that many initially would not think possible. Her technical expertise includes linear and nonlinear analysis (seismic and wind) of various structures namely long-span bridges, structural glass main frame, and façade elements, and floating structures in the marine and coastal environment. She is the Chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers Metropolitan Section Sustainability Committee and a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineering National Sustainability Committee.She founded Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering in 2009.
Ms. Majmudar received her BA in Economics and BS in Civil Engineering from Columbia University in New York and her MBAs from Columbia University and London Business School. Aside from practicing as a structural engineer for the last 30 years, she has also been teaching at the University level since 2002.
With 50 years of diverse international experience in structural engineering and earth sciences, Dr. Williams has provided direction for a variety of multidisciplinary projects, applying leading-edge practice. His expertise includes structural dynamics; foundation engineering/soil-structure interaction; hydrodynamics/fluid-structure interaction; beyond-design performance assessment; conceptual design of pioneering structures.
He has extensive experience in: design, analysis and independent review of structures for severe and extreme natural loads (earthquakes, wind, hurricane sea states and floods), unlikely accident scenarios (ship impact, blast loading, dropped loads analysis) and operational traffic loads (including high-speed rail); experimental investigations; value engineering; constructability review and risk assessment; construction support; expert testimony.
Projects include major infrastructure; long-span bridges and deep foundations, submerged and underground structures, tunnels, deep-water caissons, marine structures (immersed tubes, floating bridges, floodwalls, piers, offshore platforms, jack-up structures, semi-submersibles, mooring buoys, anchorages).
David obtained his B.E. (First Hons) and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Structural/Seismic) at University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Dr. Betti specializes in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. He has monitored the structural health of buildings and bridges, with particular emphasis on rapid damage assessment through dynamic structural response measurements, on vibration-based identification of reliable structural models, and on deterioration mechanisms in structures.
Dr. Betti is the author of three book chapters, over 85 journals and 100 conference publications. He served as Chair and Vice Chair of the Dynamics Committee of ASCE Engineering Mechanics and as Associate Editor of the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. He is currently an active member of the Dynamics and Structural Health Monitoring Committees of ASCE. He also serves as technical advisor for bridge dynamics and monitoring to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York. He is currently a tenured professor and past Chair of the Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department at Columbia University.
Dr. Betti received a Laurea (Magna cum laude) in civil engineering from the Universita’ degli Studi di Roma, “La Sapienza” (Italy) and a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and serves on the Board of Governors of the International Association of Structural Control and Monitoring.
Ms. Zander is a Project Engineer and Construction Manager with extensive experience in public sector capital design and construction management projects with a focus on sustainability. Her projects include public housing, infrastructure for derelict waterfront parcels, cultural and educational facilities.
She directed and managed an annual budget of $900,000,000 (federal, state, and city agency funding) for the New York City Housing Authority for 325 housing complexes and 400,000 residents. She was also the Project Manager for the LEED Gold NYPD Police Academy project in College Point, Queens, NY with a construction cost of $950,000,000.
Ms. Zander has written, modified, coordinated, and reviewed engineering technical specifications for conformance with public and private sector standards.
Ms. Zander has received her M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Manhattan College.